
 A glimpse makes us want to see again.

Take another look.

As we continue to add more Glimpse films, we’re often asked for resources to help the Church do what Jesus said we need to do (but aren’t very good at doing). These resources are designed to answer that need.

Each set of questions invites an extended look into the topic explored in the Glimpse series.

Divided into two main packages: Individual (to be used alone or with a friend) and Group, these questions can be used for personal reflection, to stimulate a conversation with a friend, or with a larger group.


Individual Resource Pack

(Cost: FREE)

We believe we have seen something and want to show it to others. Jesus asked us to do this, but many of us don’t feel capable.

We believe it starts with us. We can’t take someone somewhere we’ve not been. Each film has three intentionally designed questions used for personal reflection to deepen your own journey with Jesus.

These questions can also help provoke conversation by giving someone a glimpse of Jesus. Download the set of questions and use them to guide your conversations as you explore the big questions the Glimpse films address.


Group Resource Pack

(Cost: $100/season)

Each film also has accompanying resources to explore with others. Meet with a small group of friends, watch a 5-minute film, and explore each of the five questions created to stimulate life-impacting discussions.

The cost for this pack provides lifetime access to each season purchased and a set of specific discussion questions tailored around each film. Whether you have two groups or twenty, the license gives you downloadable versions of the questions that you can print and distribute to each person. 

Proceeds from the sales of these resources allow us to continue to make more films available for free.


Glimpse Soundtrack

Behind the images and words is a wonderful soundtrack from artists around the world. We work with Musicbed to license the tracks used in Glimpse episodes. You can now discover these artists by listening to the official Glimpse Soundtrack playlist on Spotify.


All resources and episodes are free for everyone.

If you’d like to give financially to help make this happen, please visit the donate page.